I am going to write a book.
There will need to be characters.
You know, people. Real ones.
They have not yet materialized on the page, but I have met plenty of people and therefore I feel I must already know them. I hope they will introduce themselves when they arrive. Anyone is welcome to audition for the role. There are plenty of possible attributes that could make a person a suitable character. These include, but are not limited to:
Sometimes they tell the truth and sometimes they lie. And not always when they should.
Our secrets are the same.
They have enough discipline to stay in character, but can also still surprise me.
I have known someone exactly like them...even though it will (of course) be a work of fiction....it always is.
We remember the same things but sometimes differently. And they can prove I may be wrong.
Sometimes they behave so badly, it makes me feel good about myself.
They understand things that I do not. And they are good at explaining.
They can stand the noise in my head -- they will have to spend a lot of time there.
They are willing to be told what to do, but also know when to put their foot down.
They have plenty to say, and can provide their own words.
They think about stuff. Sometimes it even changes their minds.
If you know someone who fits that description, send them my way. If it's you, we can change your name to protect the innocent. Whether you are innocent or not. I may even let you pick the new one. Always wished for a cooler name? Let's find one together. As long as you don't want something really stupid.
Oh! -- and please bring your story when you come. That's important. At least a synopsis. Something we can work with. If you don't know the end of your story, I can help you find it. Or we can just make one up that we both like. That's the beauty of writing...you get to write the book you want to read.